Saturday, 23 February 2013

Seeding A Dream

It's apparent from my routine nowadays that I'm truly. madly, deeply in love with writing. A desire to write what I feel, what I want, whatever it may be have grown up in me. I've cluttered my table with loads of writings. Starting from the script of my first short film. Actually not the script, but a rough sketch of  the story and just made a start of the screenplay. Moving to the other side, I've blazed a new tale for my first book. I was thinking not to make a hurry but to be calm and write a good book with all my thoughts, findings, beliefs and so on.
                                                      I'm despise of taking something or talking about something for granted. Don't know about my tomorrows but I'm pretty sure about my today. So working on the day will make my tomorrows the best for sure.
                                           Being a tot in writing, first step would be preparing myself for a matured move. Will write regularly or as much as possible. From my vantage point I'm standing at the very beginning and everyone out there have moved on. I should move a bit fast but wont scamper. I'm glad that I've time for my best and to stun everyone with what I've got as you call 'Talent'.

N:B -After posting this I may loll back to my bed :D hope not to :)

< UMA >

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